Join the Strategy Sessions
Beginning in October 2024, I'll be doing a new series on the podcast. People will share where they are on their project, difficult decisions, challenges finding traction, places where they hope a better strategy might help...
If you have a problem or question, it might help others to hear it. If you'd like to join me for a recorded riff that we may add to the show, use this form to answer a few questions. We won't be able to accommodate everyone, but we'll email you to schedule a time if we can.
The strong Bend
Akimbo is an ancient word, from the bend in the river or the bend in an archer's bow. It's become a symbol for strength, a posture of possibility, the idea that when we stand tall, arms bent, looking right at it, we can make a difference.
Akimbo's a podcast about our culture and about how we can change it. About seeing what's happening and choosing to do something.
The culture is real, but it can be changed. You can bend it.
SHOW NOTES--now searchable
Automated: most episodes (CLICK HERE)
2022年6月13日2022年6月1日2022年5月25日More Posts- Submit an "Ad"Want to be a free sponsor of Akimbo? Record a thirty second narrative about a cause you care about and I'll review it and include it if I can.Notes: Nothing that makes a profit, no groups associated with an organized religion, charities that do important work for the community get priority. But I'm open to including a pitch for eating more kale. Points for production value, clarity and tone...I expect to get more than a few, and I apologize if I can't include yours.
Edited by
Alex DiPalma
Sounding board
Bernadette Jiwa, Brian Koppelman, Alex Peck
Dog sounds
Theme music
Davie Bialie can play the bass.
Drop us a note
45 Main Street, Hastings on Hudson NY 10706
twitter: @thisissethsblog
ANDROID, APPLE and other ways to listen
If you're new to podcasts, here are some quick tips. Subscribing is what you should do if you can, because then you don't have to come back here every week. I'm listening to my podcasts on my new Android phone, but you can use an iPhone, a PC, a Mac or possibly, two cans and a piece of thread.
You can listen on Android
Just download an Android player (Free or almost)
And then search for "akimbo." How to download a player? Here's a quick article.
Shortcut: Consider going straight to Acast
You can listen on the web
No software needed
My favorite iPhone app
Thanks Marco
It's called OVERCAST... or you can also listen on the Apple official app, sometimes incorrectly called "iTunes": https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/trailer/id1345042626?i=1000401539973&mt=2
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